Final Placing
Congratulations! The last two matches have come in:
- Enrique pins Alan in two minutes, twenty-two seconds
- Greg defeats Alan by a score of nine to one.
and you've made it all the way
through the tournament for this particular group of wrestlers.
The results are in the chart below, along with the placing:
To figure out who wins which place:
- if someone wins both his round robin matches, he gets first place
- add classification points from round robin to determine ranking
In this case, it's clear-cut. Greg takes first, Enrique second, and Alan third, as
shown at the far right.
If there is a three-way point tie in round robin, there are ways to break
the tie.
However, your brain is probably ready to explode right now from all the
information you've been given, so we'll just say that you should read the
rulebook if you really, really, really want to know.