Home Page -> DOM Tutorials -> Using Events -> Setting Events -> Event Capture and Bubbling -> Event Code

Code for Event Examples

Code for Event Capture

var doc;

function docClick()
    doc.writeln("<html><head></head><body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">");
    doc.writeln("Sequence of events:<br>");
    doc.writeln("<p>Document clicked.</p>");

function divClick()
    doc.writeln("<p>Div clicked</p>" );

function pClick()
    doc.writeln("<p>Paragraph clicked</p>" );

function imgClick()
    doc.writeln("<p>Image clicked</p></body</html>" );

function setup()
    var obj;
    doc = bottomFrame.document;
    if (isNav6)
        topFrame.document.addEventListener( "click", docClick, true );
        obj = getObject( "theDiv" );
        obj.addEventListener( "click", divClick, true );
        obj = getObject( "thePara" );
        obj.addEventListener( "click", pClick, true );
        obj = getObject( "theImg" );
        obj.addEventListener( "click", imgClick, true );

Code for Event Bubbling

function docClick()
    doc.writeln("<p>Document clicked.</p></body></html>");

function divClick()
    doc.writeln("<p>Div clicked</p>" );

function pClick()
    doc.writeln("<p>Paragraph clicked</p>" );

function imgClick()
    doc.writeln("<html><head></head><body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">");
    doc.writeln("Sequence of events:<br>");
    doc.writeln("<p>Image clicked</p>" );

function setup()
    var obj;
    doc = bottomFrame.document;
    doc.writeln("<html><head><body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">");
    if (isNav6)
        topFrame.document.addEventListener( "click", docClick, false );
        obj = getObject( "theDiv" );
        obj.addEventListener( "click", divClick, false );
        obj = getObject( "thePara" );
        obj.addEventListener( "click", pClick, false );
        obj = getObject( "theImg" );
        obj.addEventListener( "click", imgClick, false );

Note: the setup() function is invoked as follows:

<frameset cols="150,*" onLoad="setup();">

Document in Left Frame

<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<div id="theDiv">
<p id="thePara">
Please click the W3C logo.
<img id="theImg" src="w3c_home.png" width="72" height="48"
    alt="W3C logo">

 Capturing Events