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In the CSS2 Document Object Model, you tell objects to listen to an event. Thus, we'll tell each <div> to listen for mouse click, mouse over, and mouse out events.
To make it easier to set the event listeners, we'll need a utility routine that gives us back a reference to an object in a document when we give the object's name. This function uses variable isNav6, which is part of the domUtils.js package introduced in an earlier tutorial.
function getObject( objName ) { if (isNav6) { return document.getElementById( objName ); } }
Once we have the object, we can add an event listener with a statement of this form:
obj.addEventListener( "name", functionName, useCapture );
So, what looks like this in HTML: <div id="m0" onMouseOver="highlight()"> |
Is achieved like this when using the DOM: var obj = getObject("m0"); obj.addEventListener( "mouseover", highlight, false ); |
We use the getObject function from above to write a setup() function to add the event listeners to each of the menu <div>s, which have ids of m0, m1, and m2.
var nMenus = 3; function setup( ) { var i; var obj; for (i=0; i < nMenus; i++) { obj = getObject( "m" + n ); if (isNav6) { obj.addEventListener( "mouseover", highlight, false ); obj.addEventListener( "mouseout", dim, false ); obj.addEventListener( "click", showMenu, false ); } } }
Now, we have to write the highlight(), dim(), and showMenu() functions. In order to do this, we must first understand the concept of a Node.
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