CIS 97YT Index > Lecture 11 > Course Outline

Lecture 11 Notes
CIS97YT Course Outline HTML File

<title>CIS 97YT Course Outline</title>
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<table border="0">
<tr><td width="50%">Computer Information Systems 97YT</td>
<td width="50%" align="right">Effective Quarter Spring 2002</td></tr>

<ol type="I">
    <u>Catalog Information</u>
    <table border="0">
    <tr><td width="20%">CIS 97YT</td>
    <td width="40%" align="center">Introduction to XML</td>
    <td width="20%" align="right"></td></tr>
    <p>Prerequisite: Computer Information Systems 89A or
    equivalent HTML experience.</p>
    Advisory: English Writing 100B and Reading 100 (or Language Arts
    100), or English as a Second Language 24 and 72 (or English as a
    Second Language 4); Computer Applications and Office Systems 70AA
    Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory.

    <u>Course Objectives</u>
    The student will:
    <ol type="A">
    <li>Write well-formed and valid XML.</li>
    <li>Use tools to verify well-formedness and validity.</li>
    <li>Create an ad-hoc markup language.</li>
    <li>Create a Document Type Definition for that language.</li>
    <li>Create a Relax NG or XML Schema definition for that language.</li>
    <li>Understand the concept of namespaces.</li>
    <li>Use Cascading Style Sheets to display XML.</li>
    <li>Understand the tree structure of an XML document.</li>
    <li>Learn XPath notation for selecting nodes from a document.</li>
    <li>Create XSLT transformations to convert XML to XHTML and/or
        XSL Formatting Objects</li>
    <li>Understand the concepts of Document Object Model (DOM)
    and Simple API for XML (SAX) parsers</li>

    <u>Essential Student Materials</u>

    <u>Essential College Facilities</u>
    Access to a computer with Java runtime; 
    open-source tools for XML: Xalan, Xerces, FOP.
    Browser supporting full CSS with XML. (Mozilla,

    <u>Expanded Description</u>
    <ol type="A">
        XML Basics
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Origins of XML</li>
        <li>Examples of XML Applications</li>
        <li>Rules for well-formed documents</li>
        <li>XHTML vs. HTML</li>
        Validating XML
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Well-formed vs. valid documents</li>
        <li>Validation methods
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Document Type Definitions</li>
            <li>XML Schema</li>
            <li>Relax NG</li>
        <li>Document Type Definitions
            <ol type="a">
            <li>General entities</li>
            <li>Parameter entities</li>
            <li>Conditional sections</li>
        <li>Relax NG
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Data Types</li>
            <li>Context dependencies</li>
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Use with DTDs</li>
        <li>Use with Relax NG</li>
        Cascading Style Sheets
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Properties and values
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Font properties</li>
            <li>Text properties</li>
            <li>Borders, margins, and padding</li>
        <li>Applying CSS to XML</li>
        Document Structure
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Tree Structure</li>
        <li>Document Object Model</li>
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Root node</li>
            <li>Context node</li>
            <li>Node axes</li>
            <li>Full and abbreviated notation</li>
            <li>XPath expressions</li>
            <li>XPath functions</li>
        XSL Transformations
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Repurposing documents</li>
        <li>The XSLT processing cycle</li>
        <li>Extracting values</li>
        <li>Creating elements and attributes</li>
        <li>Transforming XML to XHTML</li>
        <li>Basic XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Page layout</li>
            <li>Headers and footers</li>
            <li>Block areas</li>
            <li>Inline areas</li>
            <li>Importing images</li>
        <li>Transforming XHTML to XSL-FO</li>
        Parsing XML
        <ol type="1">
        <li>Document Object Model parsers
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Functions for accessing nodes</li>
            <li>Functions for creating nodes</li>
            <li>Functions for rearranging tree structure</li>
        <li>Simple API for XML parsers
            <ol type="a">
            <li>Event listener model</li>
            <li>Document callbacks</li>
            <li>Element callbacks</li>
            <li>Text callbacks</li>
    <div style="page-break-after: always"></div>

    <ol type="A">
    <li>Required reading from text and handouts</li>
    <li>Six to ten assignments of XML activities</li>

    <u>Method of Evaluating Objectives</u>
    <ol type="A">
    <li>A minimum of one one-hour midterm</li>
    <li>A comprehensive final exam or term project</li>

    <u>Texts and Supporting References</u>
    <ol type="A">
    <p>Ray, Erik. <u>Learning XML.</u> Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly &amp;
    Associates, 2001.</p></li>
    <p>Harold, Elliotte Rusty, and W. Scott Means.
    <u>XML in a Nutshell</u> Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly &amp;
    Associates, 2001.</p></li>