In this example, the numbers are assigned in order, starting at one.

[Pairing chart with names and numbers]
What a coincidence! All the competitor names are in alphabetical order!

In SCVWA tournaments, there's no seeding, but we do try to separate people from the same team or from schools near each other so that they don't meet too early in the tournament.

Eight is pretty much an upper limit to a manageable weight class. If there were fifteen people at the 132 pound Junior division, we'd split them up into group 132-A with eight people and group 132-B with seven people. In SCVWA local tournaments, the winners of each group do not wrestle against each other.

To pair them, we need to follow:

The Pairing Rule

Here is the rule that is used to figure out who wrestles whom:

That's all there is to it with some interesting twists that you'll see later. In a more complete form, here's how pairing gets done:

  1. Start with the first name on the list.
  2. Pair that person with the first person below him whom he hasn't wrestled against yet.
  3. Move down to the next unpaired person.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until everyone is paired
Let's see this in action...

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