<<< As it stands, the specification for a valid <station> isn't as precise as we'd like. A latitude must be between -90 and 90, and a longitude between -180 and 180. Weather station abbreviations are exactly four letters long, and the weather station's full name should be restricted to at most seventy-five characters. The bold text shows what needs to be added to the RELAX specification:
<tag name="station"> <attribute name="fullname" type="string" required="true"> <maxlength value="75"/> </attribute> <attribute name="abbrev" type="string" required="true"> <length value="4"/> </attribute> </tag> <elementRule role="latitude" type="decimal"> <minInclusive value="-90"/> <maxInclusive value="90"/> </elementRule> <tag name="latitude"/> <elementRule role="longitude" type="decimal"> <minInclusive value="-180"/> <maxInclusive value="180"/> </elementRule> <tag name="longitude"/>
Next, the document specifies the <temperature> element. >>>