
Here are suggested solutions for the études. Of course, your solutions may well be entirely different, and better.

Solution 1-2

(ns formulas.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))


(defn distance
  "Calculate distance traveled by an object moving
  with a given acceleration for a given amount of time."
  [accel time]
  (* accel time time))
(defn kinetic-energy
  "Calculate kinetic energy given mass and velocity"
  [m v]
  (/ (* m v v) 2.0))
(defn centripetal
  "Calculate centripetal acceleration given velocity and radius"
  [v r]
  (/ (* v v) r))
(defn average
  "Calculate average of two numbers"
  [a b]
  (/ (+ a b) 2.0))

(defn variance
  "Calculate variance of two numbers"
  [a b]
  (- (* 2 (+ (* a a) (* b b))) (* (+ a b) (+ a b))))

Solution 1-3

(def G 6.6784e-11)

(defn gravitational-force
  "Calculate gravitational force of two objects of
  mass m1 and m2, with centers of gravity at a distance r"
  [m1 m2 r]
  (/ (* G m1 m2) (* r r)))

Solution 1-4

(defn monthly-payment
  "Calculate monthly payment on a loan of amount p,
  with annual percentage rate apr, and a given number of years"
  [p apr years]
  (let [r (/ (/ apr 100) 12.0)
        n (* years 12)
        factor (.pow js/Math (+ 1 r) n)]
    (* p (/ (* r factor) (- factor 1)))))

Solution 1-5

(defn radians
  "Convert degrees to radians"
  (* (/ (.-PI js/Math) 180) degrees))

(defn daylight
  "Find minutes of daylight given latitude in degrees and day of year.
  Formula from"
  [lat-degrees day]
  (let [lat (radians lat-degrees)
        part1 (* 0.9671396 (.tan js/Math (* 0.00860 (- day 186))))
        part2 (.cos js/Math (+ 0.2163108 (* 2 (.atan js/Math part1))))
        p (.asin js/Math (* 0.39795 part2))
        numerator (+ (.sin js/Math 0.01454) (* (.sin js/Math lat) (.sin js/Math p)))
        denominator (* (.cos js/Math lat) (.cos js/Math p))]
    (* 60 (- 24 (* 7.63944 (.acos js/Math (/ numerator denominator)))))))

Solution 2-1

(ns daylight-js.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))


(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))

(defn radians
  "Convert degrees to radians"
  (* (/ (.-PI js/Math) 180) degrees))

(defn daylight
  "Find minutes of daylight given day of year and latitude in degrees.
  Formula from"
  [day lat-degrees]
  (let [lat (radians lat-degrees)
        part1 (* 0.9671396 (tan js/Math (* 0.00860 (- day 186))))
        part2 (cos js/Math (+ 0.2163108 (* 2 (atan js/Math part1))))
        p (asin js/Math (* 0.39795 part2))
        numerator (+ (sin js/Math 0.01454) (* (sin js/Math lat) (sin js/Math p)))
        denominator (* (cos js/Math lat) (cos js/Math p))]
    (* 60 (- 24 (* 7.63944 (acos js/Math (/ numerator denominator)))))))

(defn get-float-value
  "Get the floating point value of a field"
  (.parseFloat js/window (.-value (.getElementById js/document field))))

(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [lat-d (get-float-value "latitude")
        julian (get-float-value "julian")
        minutes (daylight lat-d julian)]
    (set! (.-innerHTML (.getElementById js/document "result")) minutes)))
(.addEventListener (.getElementById js/document "calculate") "click" calculate)

Solution 2-2

Much of the code is duplicated from the previous étude, only new code is shown here, with ellipses to represent omitted code.

(ns daylight-gc.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [goog.dom :as dom]
            [ :as events]))


(defn radians...)

(defn daylight...)

(defn get-float-value
  "Get the floating point value of a field"
  (.parseFloat js/window (.-value (dom/getElement field))))

(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [lat-d (get-float-value "latitude")
        julian (get-float-value "julian")
        minutes (daylight lat-d julian)]
    (dom/setTextContent (dom/getElement "result") minutes)))
(events/listen (dom/getElement "calculate") "click" calculate)

Solution 2-3

Much of the code is duplicated from the previous étude. Only new code is shown here, with ellipses to represent omitted code.

(ns daylight-dommy.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [dommy.core :as dommy :refer-macros [sel sel1]]))

(defn radians ... )

(defn daylight ... )

(defn get-float-value
  "Get the floating point value of a field"
  (.parseFloat js/window (dommy/value (sel1 field))))

(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [lat-d (get-float-value "#latitude")
        julian (get-float-value "#julian")
        minutes (daylight lat-d julian)]
    (dommy/set-text! (sel1 "#result") minutes)))
(dommy/listen! (sel1 "#calculate") :click calculate)

Solution 2-4

Much of the code is duplicated from the previous étude. Only new code is shown here, with ellipses to represent omitted code.

(ns daylight-domina.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [ :as events]))        

(defn radians ... )

(defn daylight ...)

(defn get-float-value
  "Get the floating point value of a field"
  (.parseFloat js/window (domina/value (domina/by-id field))))

(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [lat-d (get-float-value "latitude")
        julian (get-float-value "julian")
        minutes (daylight lat-d julian)]
    (domina/set-text! (domina/by-id "result") minutes)))
(events/listen! (domina/by-id "calculate") :click calculate)

Solution 2-5

Much of the code is duplicated from the previous étude. Only new code is shown here, with ellipses to represent omitted code.

(ns daylight-enfocus.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [enfocus.core :as ef]
            [ :as ev]))

(defn daylight ... )

(defn get-float-value
  "Get the floating point value of a field"
  (.parseFloat js/window (ef/from field (ef/get-prop :value))))

(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [lat-d (get-float-value "#latitude")
        julian (get-float-value "#julian")
        minutes (daylight lat-d julian)]
    (ef/at "#result" (ef/content (.toString minutes)))))
(ef/at "#calculate" (ev/listen :click calculate))

Solution 3-1

(defn move-zeros
  "Move zeros to end of a list or vector of numbers"
  (let [nonzero (filter (fn[x] (not= x 0)) numbers)]
    (concat nonzero
       (repeat (- (count numbers) (count nonzero)) 0))))

Solution 3-2

(ns daylight-by-date.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [ :as events]))


(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))

(defn radians
  "Convert degrees to radians"
  (* (/ (.-PI js/Math) 180) degrees))

(defn daylight
  "Find minutes of daylight given latitude in degrees and day of year.
  Formula from"
  [lat-degrees day]
  (let [lat (radians lat-degrees)
        part1 (* 0.9671396 (.tan js/Math (* 0.00860 (- day 186))))
        part2 (.cos js/Math (+ 0.2163108 (* 2 (.atan js/Math part1))))
        p (.asin js/Math (* 0.39795 part2))
        numerator (+ (.sin js/Math 0.01454) (* (.sin js/Math lat) (.sin js/Math p)))
        denominator (* (.cos js/Math lat) (.cos js/Math p))]
    (* 60 (- 24 (* 7.63944 (.acos js/Math (/ numerator denominator)))))))

(defn get-float-value
  "Get the floating point value of a field"
  (.parseFloat js/window (domina/value (domina/by-id field))))

(defn leap-year?
  "Return true if given year is a leap year; false otherwise"
  (or (and (= 0 (rem year 4)) (not= 0 (rem year 100)))
    (= 0 (rem year 400))))

(defn ordinal-day
  "Compute ordinal day given Gregorian day, month, and year"
  [day month year]
  (let [leap (leap-year? year)
        feb-days (if leap 29 28)
        days-per-month [0 31 feb-days 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31]
        month-ok (and (> month 0) (< month 13))
        day-ok (and month-ok (> day 0) (<= day (+ (nth days-per-month month))))
        subtotal (reduce + (take month days-per-month))]
    (if day-ok (+ subtotal day) 0)))

(defn to-julian
  "Convert Gregorian date to Julian"
  (let [greg (domina/value (domina/by-id "gregorian"))
        parts (str/split greg #"[-/]")
        [y m d] (map (fn [x] (.parseInt js/window x 10)) parts)]
    (ordinal-day d m y)))

(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [lat-d (get-float-value "latitude")
        julian (to-julian)
        minutes (daylight lat-d julian)]
    (domina/set-text! (domina/by-id "result") (str (quot minutes 60) "h "
                      (.toFixed (rem minutes 60) 2) "m"))))
(events/listen! (domina/by-id "calculate") :click calculate)

Solution 3-3

(defn mean
  "Compute mean of a sequence of numbers."
  (let [n (count x)]
    (/ (apply + x) n)))

(defn median
  "Compute median of a sequence of numbers."
  (let [n (count x)
        remainder (drop (- (int (/ n 2)) 1) (sort x))]
    (if (odd? n)
      (second remainder)
      (/ (+ (first remainder) (second remainder)) 2))))

(defn getsums
  "Reducing function for computing sum and sum of squares.
  The accumulator is a two-vector with the current sum and sum of squares
  Could be made clearer with destructuring, but that's not in
  this chapter."
  [acc item]
  (vector (+ (first acc) item) (+ (last acc) (* item item))))

(defn stdev
  "Compute standard deviation of a sequence of numbers"
  (let [[sum sumsq] (reduce getsums [0 0] x)
        n (count x)]
    (.sqrt js/Math (/ (- sumsq (/ (* sum sum) n)) (- n 1)))))

Solution 3-4

This solution uses the Domina library to interact with the web page. The ns special form needs to be updated to require the correct libraries.

(ns stats.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [domina :as dom]
            [ :as ev]))

This is the additional code for interacting with the web page.

(defn calculate
  "Event handler"
  (let [numbers (map js/window.parseFloat
                  (str/split (domina/value (ev/target evt)) #"[, ]+"))]
       (domina/set-text! (domina/by-id "mean") (mean numbers))
       (domina/set-text! (domina/by-id "median") (median numbers))
       (domina/set-text! (domina/by-id "stdev") (stdev numbers))))

;; connect event handler
(ev/listen! (domina/by-id "numbers") :change calculate)

Solution 3-5

(ns teeth.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))


(def pocket-depths
  [[0], [2 2 1 2 2 1], [3 1 2 3 2 3],
  [3 1 3 2 1 2], [3 2 3 2 2 1], [2 3 1 2 1 1],
  [3 1 3 2 3 2], [3 3 2 1 3 1], [4 3 3 2 3 3],
  [3 1 1 3 2 2], [4 3 4 3 2 3], [2 3 1 3 2 2],
  [1 2 1 1 3 2], [1 2 2 3 2 3], [1 3 2 1 3 3], [0],
  [3 2 3 1 1 2], [2 2 1 1 3 2], [2 1 1 1 1 2],
  [3 3 2 1 1 3], [3 1 3 2 3 2], [3 3 1 2 3 3],
  [1 2 2 3 3 3], [2 2 3 2 3 3], [2 2 2 4 3 4],
  [3 4 3 3 3 4], [1 1 2 3 1 2], [2 2 3 2 1 3],
  [3 4 2 4 4 3], [3 3 2 1 2 3], [2 2 2 2 3 3],
  [3 2 3 2 3 2]])

(defn bad-tooth
  "Accumulator: vector of bad tooth numbers
  and current index"
  [[bad-list index] tooth]
  (if (some (fn[x] (>= x 4)) tooth)
    (vector (conj bad-list index) (inc index))
    (vector bad-list (inc index))))

(defn alert
  "Display tooth numbers where any of the
  pocket depths is 4 or greater."
  (first (reduce bad-tooth [[] 1] depths)))

Solution 3-6

(ns make_teeth.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))

(defn one-tooth
  "Generate one tooth"
  [present probability]
  (if (= present "F") []
    (let [base-depth (if (< (rand) probability) 2 3)]
      (loop [n 6
             result []]
         (if (= n 0) result
           (recur (dec n) (conj result (+ base-depth (- 1 (rand-int 3))))))))))

(defn generate-list
  "Take list of teeth, probability, and current vector of vectors.
  Add pockets for each tooth."
  [teeth-present probability result]
  (if (empty? teeth-present) result
    (recur (rest teeth-present) probability (conj result (one-tooth (first teeth-present) probability)))))
(defn generate-pockets
  "Take list of teeth present and probability of a good tooth,
  and create a list of pocket depths."
  [teeth-present probability]
  (generate-list teeth-present probability []))

Solution 3-7

This suggested solution uses the Enfocus library to interact with the web page.

(ns daylight-summary.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [enfocus.core :as ef]
            [ :as ev]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))


(defn radians
  "Convert degrees to radians"
  (* (/ (.-PI js/Math) 180) degrees))

(defn daylight
  "Find minutes of daylight given day of year and latitude in degrees.
  Formula from"
  [lat-degrees day]
  (let [lat (radians lat-degrees)
        part1 (* 0.9671396 (.tan js/Math (* 0.00860 (- day 186))))
        part2 (.cos js/Math (+ 0.2163108 (* 2 (.atan js/Math part1))))
        p (.asin js/Math (* 0.39795 part2))
        numerator (+ (.sin js/Math 0.01454) (* (.sin js/Math lat) (.sin js/Math p)))
        denominator (* (.cos js/Math lat) (.cos js/Math p))]
    (* 60 (- 24 (* 7.63944 (.acos js/Math (/ numerator denominator)))))))

(defn make-ranges
  "Return vector of begin-end ordinal dates for a list of days per month"
  (reduce (fn [acc x] (conj acc (+ x (last acc)))) [1] (rest mlist)))

(def month-ranges
  "Days per month for non-leap years"
  (make-ranges '(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)))

(defn to-hours-minutes
  "Convert minutes to hours and minutes"
  (str (quot m 60) "h "  (.toFixed (mod m 60) 0) "m"))

(defn get-value
  "Get the value from a field"
  (ef/from field (ef/get-prop :value)))

(defn mean
  "Compute mean of a sequence of numbers."
  (/ (apply + x) (count x)))

(defn mean-daylight
  "Get mean daylight for a range of days"
  [start finish latitude]
  (let [f (fn [x] (daylight latitude x))]
    (mean (map f (range start finish)))))
(defn generate-averages
  "Generate monthly averages for a given latitude"
  (loop [ranges month-ranges
         result []]
    (if (< (count ranges) 2)
        (recur (rest ranges)
               (conj result (mean-daylight (first ranges) (second ranges) latitude))))))
(defn calculate [evt]
  (let [fromMenu (first (ef/from "input[name='locationType']" (ef/get-prop :checked)))
        lat-d (if fromMenu (.parseFloat js/window (get-value "#cityMenu"))
                           (.parseFloat js/window (get-value "#latitude")))
        averages (generate-averages lat-d)]
    (doall (map-indexed
             (fn [n item] (ef/at (str "#m" (inc n)) (ef/content (to-hours-minutes item))))

(ef/at "#calculate" (ev/listen :click calculate))

Solution 4-1

(ns condiments.core
  (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))


(def xml (js/require "node-xml-lite"))

;; forward reference
(declare process-child)

(defn process-children
  "Process an array of child nodes, with a current food name
  and accumulate a result"
  [[food result] children]
  (let [[final-food final-map] (reduce process-child [food result] children)]
    [final-food final-map]))

(defn add-condiment
  "Add food to the vector of foods that go with this condiment"
  [result food condiment]
  (let [food-list (get result condiment)
        new-list (if food-list (conj food-list food) [food])]
    (assoc result condiment new-list)))

(defn process-child
  "Given a current food and result map, and an item,
  return the new food name and result map"
  [[food result] item]
  ;; The first child of an element is text - either a food name
  ;; or a condiment name, depending on the element name.
  (let [firstchild (first (.-childs item))]
      (= (.-name item) "display_name") (vector firstchild result)
      (.test #"cond_._name" (.-name item))
        (vector food (add-condiment result food firstchild))
      (and (.-childs item) (.-name firstchild))
        (process-children [food result] (.-childs item))
      :else [food result])))

(defn -main []
  (let [docmap (.parseFileSync xml (nth (.-argv js/process) 2))]
  (println (last (process-children ["" {}] (.-childs docmap))))))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

Solution 4-2A

This is a sample web server that simply echoes back the user’s input. Use this as a guide for the remainder of the étude.

(ns servertest.core
  (:require-macros [hiccups.core :as hiccups])
  (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
            [hiccups.runtime :as hiccupsrt]))


(def express (nodejs/require "express"))

(defn generate-page! [request response]
  (let [query (.-query request)
        user-name (if query (.-userName query) "")]
    (.send response
              [:head [:title "Server Example"]
               [:meta {:http-equiv "Content-type" :content "text/html"
                       :charset "utf-8"}]]
               [:p "Enter your name:"]
               [:form {:action "/"
                       :method "get"}
                [:input {:name "userName" :value user-name}]
                [:input {:type "submit" :value "Send Data"}]]
               [:p (if (and user-name (not= user-name ""))
                     (str "Pleased to meet you, " user-name ".") "")]]]))))

(defn -main []
  (let [app (express)]
    (.get app "/" generate-page!)
    (.listen app 3000
             (fn []
               (println "Server started on port 3000")))))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

Solution 4-2B

This is a solution for the condiment matcher web page. It has separated the code for creating the condiment map from the XML page into a separate file to keep the code cleaner.

(ns foodserver.mapmaker)

(def xml (js/require "node-xml-lite"))

;; forward reference
(declare process-child)

(defn process-children
  "Process an array of child nodes, with a current food name
  and accumulate a result"
  [[food result] children]
  (let [[final-food final-map] (reduce process-child [food result] children)]
    [final-food final-map]))

(defn add-condiment
  "Add food to the vector of foods that go with this condiment"
  [result food condiment]
  (let [food-list (get result condiment)
        new-list (if food-list (conj food-list food) [food])]
    (assoc result condiment new-list)))

(defn process-child
  "Given a current food and result map, and an item,
  return the new food name and result map"
  [[food result] item]

  ;; The first child of an element is text - either a food name
  ;; or a condiment name, depending on the element name.
  (let [firstchild (first (.-childs item))]
      (= (.-name item) "display_name") (vector firstchild result)
      (.test #"cond_._name" (.-name item))
      (vector food (add-condiment result food firstchild))
      (and (.-childs item) (.-name firstchild))
      (process-children [food result] (.-childs item))
      :else [food result])))

(defn foodmap [filename]
  (let [docmap (.parseFileSync xml filename)]
    (last (process-children ["" {}] (.-childs docmap)))))

Here is the main file.

(ns foodserver.core
  (:require-macros [hiccups.core :as hiccups])
  (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
            [hiccups.runtime :as hiccupsrt]
            [foodserver.mapmaker :as mapmaker]
            [clojure.string :as str]))


(def express (nodejs/require "express"))

(def foodmap (mapmaker/foodmap "food.xml"))

(defn case-insensitive [a b]
  (compare (str/upper-case a) (str/upper-case b)))

(defn condiment-menu
  "Create HTML menu with the given selection
  as the 'selected' item"
  (map (fn [item] [:option
                   (if (= item selection){:value item :selected "selected"} {:value item})
       (sort case-insensitive (keys foodmap))))

(defn compatible-foods
  "Create unordered list of foods compatible with selected condiment"
  (if selection
    (map (fn [item] [:li item]) (sort case-insensitive (foodmap selection)))

(defn generate-page! [request response]
  (let [query (.-query request)
        chosen-condiment (if query (.-condiment query) "")]
    (.send response
               [:title "Condiment Matcher"]
               [:meta {:http-equiv "Content-type"
                       :content "text/html; charset=utf-8"}]]
               [:h1 "Condiment Matcher"]
               [:form {:action "http://localhost:3000"
                       :method "get"}
                [:select {:name "condiment"}
                 [:option {:value ""} "Choose a condiment"]
                 (condiment-menu chosen-condiment)]
                [:input {:type "submit" :value "Find Compatible Foods"}]]
               [:ul (compatible-foods chosen-condiment)]
               [:p "Source data: "
                [:a {:href ""}
                 "MyPyramid Food Raw Data"]
                " from the Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture."]]]))))

(defn -main []
  (let [app (express)]
    (.get app "/" generate-page!)
    (.listen app 3000 (fn []
                        (println "Server started on port 3000")))))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

Solution 4-3

Here is the code for reading a file line by line:

File cljs_made_easy/line_seq.clj

 ;; This is a macro, and must be in clojure. It's name and location is the same as
;; the cljs file, except with a .clj extension.
(ns cljs-made-easy.line-seq
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [with-open]))

(defmacro with-open [bindings & body]
  (assert (= 2 (count bindings)) "Incorrect with-open bindings")
  `(let ~bindings
       (do ~@body)
         (.closeSync cljs-made-easy.line-seq/fs ~(bindings 0))))))

File cljs_made_easy/line_seq.cljs

(ns cljs-made-easy.line-seq
  (:require clojure.string)
  (:require-macros [cljs-made-easy.line-seq :refer [with-open]]))

(def fs (js/require "fs"))

(defn- read-chunk [fd]
  (let [length 128
        b (js/Buffer. length)
        bytes-read (.readSync fs fd b 0 length nil)]
    (if (> bytes-read 0)
      (.toString b "utf8" 0 bytes-read))))

(defn line-seq
   (line-seq fd nil))
  ([fd line]
   (if-let [chunk (read-chunk fd)]
     (if (re-find #"\n" (str line chunk))
       (let [lines (clojure.string/split (str line chunk) #"\n")]
         (if (= 1 (count lines))
           (lazy-cat lines (line-seq fd))
           (lazy-cat (butlast lines) (line-seq fd (last lines)))))
       (recur fd (str line chunk)))
     (if line
       (list line)

File frequency/core.cljs

And this is the code to create the frequency table

(ns frequency.core
  (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [cljs-made-easy.line-seq :as cme]))


(def filesystem (js/require "fs")) ;;require nodejs lib

;; These keywords are the "column headers" from the spreadsheet.
;; An entry of nil means that I am ignoring that column.
(def headers [:date :time nil :accident :injury :property-damage :fatal nil
              :vehicle :year :make :model :color :type nil :race :gender :driver-state nil])

(defn zipmap-omit-nil
  "Does the same as zipmap, except when there's a nil in the
  first vector, it doesn't put anything into the map.
  I wrote it this way just to prove to myself that I could do it.
  It's easier to just say (dissoc (zipmap a-vec b-vec) nil)"
  [a-vec b-vec]
  (loop [result {}
          a a-vec
          b b-vec]
    (if (or (empty? a) (empty? b))
      (recur (if-not (nil? (first a))
               (assoc result (first a) (first b))
             (rest a) (rest b)))))

(defn add-row
  "Convenience function that adds a row from the CSV file
  to the data map."
  (zipmap-omit-nil headers (str/split line #"\t")))

(defn create-data-structure
  "Create a vector of maps from a tab-separated value file
  and a list of header keywords."
  [filename headers]
  (cme/with-open [file-descriptor (.openSync filesystem filename "r")]
             (reduce (fn [result line] (conj result (add-row line))) [] (rest (cme/line-seq file-descriptor)))))

(def traffic (create-data-structure "traffic_july_2014_edited.csv" headers))

(defn frequency-table
  "Accumulate frequencies for specifier (a heading keyword
   or a function that returns a value) in data-map,
   optionally returning a total."
  [data-map specifier]
  (let [result-map (reduce
                    (fn [acc item]
                      (let [v (if specifier (specifier item) nil)]
                        (assoc acc v (+ 1 (get acc v)))))
                    {} data-map)
        result-seq (sort (seq result-map))
        freq (map last result-seq)]
    [(vec (map first result-seq)) (vec freq) (reduce + freq)]))

(defn -main []
  (println "Hello world!"))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

Solution 4-4

The code for reading the CSV file is unchanged from the previous étude, so I won’t repeat it here.

(ns crosstab.core
  (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [cljs-made-easy.line-seq :as cme]))


(def filesystem (js/require "fs")) ;;require nodejs lib

;; These keywords are the "column headers" from the spreadsheet.
;; An entry of nil means that I am ignoring that column.
(def headers [:date :time nil :accident :injury :property-damage :fatal nil
              :vehicle :year :make :model :color :type nil :race :gender :driver-state nil])

(defn zipmap-omit-nil
  "Does the same as zipmap, except when there's a nil in the
  first vector, it doesn't put anything into the map.
  I wrote it this way just to prove to myself that I could do it.
  It's easier to just say (dissoc (zipmap a-vec b-vec) nil)"
  [a-vec b-vec]
  (loop [result {}
          a a-vec
          b b-vec]
    (if (or (empty? a) (empty? b))
      (recur (if-not (nil? (first a))
               (assoc result (first a) (first b))
             (rest a) (rest b)))))

(defn add-row
  "Convenience function that adds a row from the CSV file
  to the data map."
  (zipmap-omit-nil headers (str/split line #"\t")))

(defn create-data-structure
  "Create a vector of maps from a tab-separated value file
  and a list of header keywords."
  [filename headers]
  (cme/with-open [file-descriptor (.openSync filesystem filename "r")]
             (reduce (fn [result line] (conj result (add-row line))) []
               (rest (cme/line-seq file-descriptor)))))

(def traffic (create-data-structure "traffic_july_2014_edited.csv" headers))

(defn marginal
  "Get marginal totals for a frequency map. (Utility function)"
  (vec (map last (sort (seq freq)))))

(defn cross-tab
  "Accumulate frequencies for given row and column in data-map,
  returning row and column totals, plus grand total."
  [data-map row-spec col-spec]
  ; In the following call to reduce, the accumulator is a
  ; vector of three maps.
  ; The first maps row values => frequency
  ; The second maps column values => frequency
  ; The third is a map of maps, mapping  row values => column values => frequency
  (let [[row-freq  col-freq cross-freq] (reduce
                     (fn [acc item]
                       (let [r (if row-spec (row-spec item) nil)
                             c (if col-spec (col-spec item) nil)]
                         [(assoc (first acc) r (+ 1 (get (first acc) r)))
                          (assoc (second acc) c (+ 1 (get (second acc) c)))
                          (assoc-in (last acc) [r c] (+ 1 (get-in (last acc) [r c])))]))
                     [{} {} {}] data-map)
        ; I need row totals as part of the return, and I also
        ; add them to get grand total - don't want to re-calculate
        row-totals (marginal row-freq)]
        [(vec (sort (keys row-freq)))
         (vec (sort (keys col-freq)))
         (vec (for [r (sort (keys row-freq))]
                (vec (for [c (sort (keys col-freq))]
                       (if-let [n (get-in cross-freq (list r c))] n 0)))))
         (marginal col-freq)
         (reduce + row-totals)]))

(defn frequency-table
  "Accumulate frequencies for specifier in data-map,
  optionally returning a total. Use a call to cross-tab
  to re-use code."
  [data-map specifier]
  (let [[row-labels _ row-totals _ grand-total] (cross-tab data-map specifier nil)]
    [row-labels (vec (map first row-totals)) grand-total]))

(defn -main []
  (println "Hello world!"))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

Solution 4-5

The cross-tabulation functions from Solution 4-4 are moved to a file named crosstab.cljs and the initial (ns...) changed accordingly.

(ns traffic.core
  (:require-macros [hiccups.core :as hiccups])
  (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [cljs-made-easy.line-seq :as cme]
            [hiccups.runtime :as hiccupsrt]
            [traffic.crosstab :as ct]))


(def express (nodejs/require "express"))

(def filesystem (js/require "fs")) ;;require nodejs lib

;; These keywords are the "column headers" from the spreadsheet.
;; An entry of nil means that I am ignoring that column.
(def headers [:date :time nil :accident :injury :property-damage :fatal nil
              :vehicle :year :make :model :color :type nil :race :gender :driver-state nil])

(defn zipmap-omit-nil
  "Does the same as zipmap, except when there's a nil in the
  first vector, it doesn't put anything into the map.
  I wrote it this way just to prove to myself that I could do it.
  It's easier to just say (dissoc (zipmap a-vec b-vec) nil)"
  [a-vec b-vec]
  (loop [result {}
          a a-vec
          b b-vec]
    (if (or (empty? a) (empty? b))
      (recur (if-not (nil? (first a))
               (assoc result (first a) (first b))
             (rest a) (rest b)))))

(defn add-row
  "Convenience function that adds a row from the CSV file
  to the data map."
  (zipmap-omit-nil headers (str/split line #"\t")))

(defn create-data-structure
  "Create a vector of maps from a tab-separated value file
  and a list of header keywords."
  [filename headers]
  (cme/with-open [file-descriptor (.openSync filesystem filename "r")]
             (reduce (fn [result line] (conj result (add-row line))) [] (rest (cme/line-seq file-descriptor)))))

(def traffic (create-data-structure "traffic_july_2014_edited.csv" headers))

(defn day [entry] (.substr (:date entry) 3 2))
(defn hour [entry] (.substr (:time entry) 0 2))

(def field-list [
               ["Choose a field" nil]
               ["Day" day]
               ["Hour" hour]
               ["Accident" :accident]
               ["Injury" :injury]
               ["Property Damage" :property-damage]
               ["Fatal" :fatal]
               ["Vehicle year" :year]
               ["Vehicle Color" :color]
               ["Driver's Race" :race]
               ["Driver's Gender" :gender]
               ["Driver's State" :driver-state]])

(defn traffic-menu
  "Create a <select> menu with the given choice selected"
  [option-list selection]
  (map-indexed (fn [n item]
                 (let [menu-text (first item)]
                    (if (= n selection){:value n :selected "selected"} {:value n})

(defn field-name [n] (first (get field-list n)))
(defn field-code [n] (last (get field-list n)))

(defn add-table-row
  [row-label counts row-total result]
    (conj result (reduce (fn [acc item] (conj acc [:td item])) [:tr [:th row-label]] (conj counts row-total))))

(defn html-table
  [[row-labels col-labels counts row-totals col-totals grand-total]]
    (if (not (nil? (first col-labels)))
      [:thead (reduce (fn [acc item] (conj acc [:th item])) [:tr [:th "\u00a0"]]
                      (conj col-labels "Total"))]
      [:thead [:tr [:th "\u00a0"] [:th "Total"]]])
    (if (not (nil? (first col-labels)))
        (vec (loop [rl row-labels
                    freq counts
                    rt row-totals
                    result [:tbody]]
               (if-not (empty? rl)
                 (recur (rest rl) (rest freq) (rest rt)
                        (add-table-row (first rl) (first freq) (first rt) result))
                 (add-table-row "Total" col-totals grand-total result))))
        (vec (loop [rl row-labels
                    rt row-totals
                    result [:tbody]]
               (if-not (empty? rl)
                 (recur (rest rl) (rest rt)
                        (conj result [:tr [:th (first rl)] [:td (first rt)]]))
                 (conj result [:tr [:th "Total"] [:td grand-total]])))))]

(defn show-table
  [row-spec col-spec]
    (and (not= 0 row-spec) (not= 0 col-spec))
      [:div [:h2 (str (field-name row-spec) " vs. " (field-name col-spec))]
      (html-table (ct/cross-tab traffic (field-code row-spec) (field-code col-spec)))]
    (not= 0 row-spec)
      [:div [:h2 (field-name row-spec)]
       (html-table (ct/cross-tab traffic (field-code row-spec) nil))]

(defn generate-page! [request response]
  (let [query (.-query request)
        col-spec (if query (js/parseInt (.-column query)) nil)
        row-spec (if query (js/parseInt (.-row query)) nil)]
    (.send response
               [:title "Traffic Violations"]
               [:meta {:http-equiv "Content-type"
                       :content "text/html; charset=utf-8"}]
               [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "style.css"}]]
               [:h1 "Traffic Violations"]
               [:form {:action "http://localhost:3000"
                       :method "get"}
                "Row: "
                [:select {:name "row"}
                 (traffic-menu field-list row-spec)]
                "Column: "[:select {:name "column"}
                 (traffic-menu field-list col-spec)]
                [:input {:type "submit" :value "Calculate"}]]
               (show-table row-spec col-spec)
               [:p "Source data: "
                [:a {:href ""}
                 "Montgomery County Traffic Violation Database"]]]]))))

(defn -main []
  (let [app (express)]
    (.use app (.static express "."))
    (.get app "/" generate-page!)
    (.listen app 3000 (fn []
                        (println "Server started on port 3000")))))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

Solution 5-1

(ns react_q.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [quiescent.core :as q]
            [quiescent.dom :as d]
            [quiescent.dom.uncontrolled :as du]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))

(defonce status
         (atom {:w 0 :h 0 :proportional true
                :border-width "3" :border-style "none"
                :orig-w 0 :orig-h 0 :src "clock.jpg"}))


(defonce border-style-list '("none" "solid" "dotted" "dashed"
                              "double" "groove" "ridge"
                              "inset" "outset"))
(defn resize
  "Resize the image; if proportional, determine which field
  has changed and change the other accordingly."
  (let [{:keys [w h proportional orig-w orig-h]} @status
        target (.-target evt)
        id (.-id target)
        val (.-value target)]
    (if proportional
        (= id "w") (swap! status assoc :w val :h (int (* (/ val orig-w) orig-h)))
        (= id "h") (swap! status assoc :h val :w (int (* (/ val orig-h) orig-w)))
        :else (swap! status assoc :h orig-h :w orig-w))
      (swap! status assoc (keyword id) (.-value target)))))

(defn recheck
  "Handle the checkbox. Since the checked property isn't the
  value of the checkbox, I had to set the property by hand"
  (let [new-checked (not (:proportional @status))]
    (swap! status assoc :proportional new-checked)
    (set! (.-checked (.-target evt)) new-checked)))

(defn change-border [evt]
  (let [{:keys [border-width border-style]} @status
        target (.-target evt)
        id (.-id target)
        val (.-value target)]
      (= id "menu") (swap! status assoc :border-style val)
      (= id "bw") (swap! status assoc :border-width val))))

(defn set-dimensions
  "Set dimensions of the image once it loads"
  (let [node (.getElementById js/document "image")
        id (.-id node)]
    (swap! status assoc :orig-w (.-naturalWidth node)
           :orig-h (.-naturalHeight node)
           :w (.-naturalWidth node) :h (.-naturalHeight node))))

(q/defcomponent Image
                "A component that displays an image"
                :name "ImageWidget"
                (d/img {:id "image"
                        :src (:src status)
                        :width (:w status)
                        :height (:h status)
                        :style {:float "right"
                                :borderWidth (:border-width status)
                                :borderColor "red"
                                :borderStyle (:border-style status)}
                        :onLoad set-dimensions

(q/defcomponent Option
                (d/option {:value item} item))

(q/defcomponent Form
                "Input form"
                :name "FormWidget"
                :on-mount (fn [node val]
                            (set! (.-checked (.getElementById js/document "prop"))
                                  (:proportional val)))
                (d/form {:id "params"}
                        "Width: "
                        (d/input {:type "text" :size "5" :value (:w status)
                                   :id "w"
                                  :onChange resize})
                        "Height: "
                        (d/input {:type "text" :size "5":value (:h status)
                                   :id "h"
                                  :onChange resize})
                        (du/input {:type "checkbox"
                                   :id "prop"
                                  :onChange recheck
                                  :value "proportional"})
                        "Preserve Proportions"
                        "Border: "
                        (d/input {:type "text" :size "5"
                                  :value (:border-width status)
                                  :id "bw"
                                  :onChange change-border})
                        "px "
                        (apply d/select {:id "menu" :onChange change-border}
                               (map Option border-style-list))))

(q/defcomponent Interface
                "User Interface"
                :name "Interface"
                (d/div {}
                  (Image status)
                  (Form status)))

(defn render
  "Render the current state atom, and schedule a render on the next
  (q/render (Interface @status) (.getElementById js/document "interface"))
  (.requestAnimationFrame js/window render))


Solution 5-2

(ns react_r.core
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
            [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))

(defonce conn
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))

(defonce status
         (atom {:w 0 :h 0 :proportional true
                :border-width "3" :border-style "none"
                :orig-w 0 :orig-h 0 :src "clock.jpg"}))


(defonce border-style-list '("none" "solid" "dotted" "dashed"
                              "double" "groove" "ridge"
                              "inset" "outset"))
(defn resize
  "Resize the image; if proportional, determine which field
  has changed and change the other accordingly."
  (let [{:keys [w h proportional orig-w orig-h]} @status
        target (.-target evt)
        id (.-id target)
        val (.-value target)]
    (if proportional
        (= id "w") (swap! status assoc :w val :h (int (* (/ val orig-w) orig-h)))
        (= id "h") (swap! status assoc :h val :w (int (* (/ val orig-h) orig-w)))
        :else (swap! status assoc :h orig-h :w orig-w))
      (swap! status assoc (keyword id) (.-value target)))))

(defn recheck
  "Handle the checkbox. Since the checked property isn't the
  value of the checkbox, I had to set the property by hand"
  (let [new-checked (not (:proportional @status))]
    (swap! status assoc :proportional new-checked)
    (set! (.-checked (.-target evt)) new-checked)))

(defn change-border [evt]
  (let [{:keys [border-width border-style]} @status
        target (.-target evt)
        id (.-id target)
        val (.-value target)]
      (= id "menu") (swap! status assoc :border-style val)
      (= id "bw") (swap! status assoc :border-width val))))

(defn set-dimensions
  "Set dimensions of the image once it loads"
  (let [node (.getElementById js/document "image")
        id (.-id node)]
    (swap! status assoc :orig-w (.-naturalWidth node)
           :orig-h (.-naturalHeight node)
           :w (.-naturalWidth node) :h (.-naturalHeight node))))

(defn image
  "A component that displays an image"
  [:img {:id "image"
  :src (:src @status)
  :width (:w @status)
  :height (:h @status)
  :style {:float "right"
      :borderWidth (:border-width @status)
      :borderColor "red"
      :borderStyle (:border-style @status)}
  :on-load set-dimensions}])

(defn option [item]
  [:option {:value item :key item} item])

(defn cbox []
 (do (println "CBOX")
    [:input {:type "checkbox"
             :id "prop"
             :on-change recheck
             :value "proportional"}]))
(defn form
  "Input form"
  [:form {:id "params"}
    "Width: "
    [:input {:type "text" :size "5" :value (:w @status)
             :id "w"
             :on-change resize}]
    "Height: "
    [:input {:type "text" :size "5":value (:h @status)
             :id "h"
             :on-change resize}]
    "Preserve Proportions"
    "Border: "
    [:input {:type "text" :size "5"
          :value (:border-width @status)
          :id "bw"
          :on-change change-border}]
    "px "

    [:select {:id "menu" :on-change change-border}
      (for [item border-style-list]
         (option item))]])

(defn interface-without-init []

(def interface
  (with-meta interface-without-init
      (fn [this]
       (set! (.-checked (.getElementById js/document "prop"))
             (:proportional @status))

(defn render
  "Render the current state atom"
  (reagent/render [interface] (.getElementById js/document "interface")))


Solution 6-1

In this étude, I named the project building_usage and had a module named roster.cljs to create the data structures. I also had a module named utils.cljs to handle conversion of time of day to number of minutes past midnight, which makes it easy to calculate durations. There is also a utility routine to convert that format to 24-hour time.

The roster.cljs file includes the raw CSV as a gigantic string (well, if you consider 72K bytes to be gigantic), including columns I am not using. The build-data-structure function creates:

For this very small subset of the data:

(def roster-string "W;01:00 PM;03:25 PM;C283
TH;06:30 PM;09:35 PM;D207
W;02:45 PM;05:35 PM;C244
TH;06:00 PM;09:05 PM;D208")

The resulting map:

  {"C" {64 1, 65 1, 66 1, 67 1, 68 1, 69 1, 70 1, 52 1, 53 1, 54 1, 55 1, 56 1,
        57 1, 58 1, 59 2, 60 2, 61 2, 62 1, 63 1}},
  {"D" {72 1, 73 1, 74 2, 75 2, 76 2, 77 2, 78 2, 79 2, 80 2, 81 2, 82 2, 83 2,
        84 2, 85 1, 86 1}}}

File building_usage/src/roster.cljs

(ns building_usage.roster
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [building_usage.utils :as utils]))

;; many lines omitted
(def roster-string "MW;01:00 PM;03:25 PM;C283
TH;06:30 PM;09:35 PM;D207
W;02:45 PM;05:35 PM;C244
TH;06:00 PM;09:05 PM;D208")

(def day-map {"M" "Monday", "T" "Tuesday",
  "W" "Wednesday", "R" "Thursday"
  "F" "Friday", "S" "Saturday", "N" "Sunday"})

(defn add-entries
  "Increment the usage count for the building on the given days and times.
  If there is not an entry yet, created 96 zeros (24 hours at 15-minute intervals)"
  [acc day building intervals]
  (let [current (get-in acc [(day-map day) building])
        before (if (nil? current) (into [] (repeat 96 0)) current)
        after (reduce (fn [acc item] (assoc acc item (inc (get acc item)))) before intervals)]
     (assoc-in acc [(day-map day) building] after)))

(defn building-map-entry
  "Split incoming line into parts, then add entries into the count vector
   for each day and time interval for the appropriate building."
  [acc line]
  (let [[days start-time end-time room] (str/split line #";")
        day-list (rest (str/split (str/replace (str/replace days #"TH" "R") #"SU" "N") #""))
        start-interval (quot (utils/to-minutes start-time) 15)
        end-interval (quot (+ 14 (utils/to-minutes end-time)) 15)
        building (str/replace room #"([A-Z]+).*$" "$1")]
    (loop [d day-list
           result acc]
      (if (empty? d)
          (recur (rest d)
                 (add-entries result (first d) building (range start-interval end-interval)))))))
(defn building-usage-map []
  (let [lines (str/split-lines roster-string)]
    (reduce building-map-entry {} lines)))

(defn room-list
  "Create a map building -> set of rooms in building"
  [acc line]
  (let [[_ _ _ room] (str/split line #";")
        building (str/replace room #"([A-Z]+).*$" "$1")
        current (acc building)]
    (assoc acc building (if (nil? current) #{room} (conj current room)))))
(defn total-rooms []
  "Create map with building as key and number of rooms in building as value."
  (let [lines (str/split-lines roster-string)
        room-list (reduce room-list {} lines)]
    (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (count (room-list k))]) room-list))))

File building_usage/src/utils.cljs

(ns building_usage.utils)

(defn to-minutes [time-string]
  (let [[_ hr minute am-pm] (re-matches #"(?i)(\d\d?):(\d\d)\s*([AP])\.?M\.?" time-string)
        hour (+ (mod (js/parseInt hr) 12) (if (= (.toUpperCase am-pm) "A") 0 12))]
    (+ (* hour 60) (js/parseInt minute))))

(defn pad [n] (if (< n 10) (str "0" n) (.toString n)))

(defn to-am-pm [total-minutes]
  (let [h (quot total-minutes 60)
        m (mod total-minutes 60)
        hour (if (= (mod h 12) 0) 12 (mod h 12))
        suffix (if (< h 12) "AM" "PM")]
    (str hour ":" (pad m) " " suffix)))
(defn to-24-hr [total-minutes]
  (str (pad (quot total-minutes 60)) (pad (mod total-minutes 60))))

Solution 6-2

In this solution, I am using setInterval to advance the animation rather than requestAnimationFrame. This is because I don’t need smooth animation; I really want one “frame” every 1.5 seconds.

File core.cljs

(ns ^:figwheel-always building_usage.core
    (:require [building_usage.roster :as roster]
              [building_usage.utils :as utils]
              [goog.dom :as dom]
              [ :as events]))


(def days ["Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday"
           "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday"])

(def buildings ["A" "B" "C" "D" "FLD" "GYM"
                "M" "N" "P"])
(def svg (.-contentDocument (dom/getElement "campus_map")))

;; define your app data so that it doesn't get over-written on reload
(defonce app-state (atom {:day "Monday" :interval 24
                          :usage (roster/building-usage-map)
                          :room-count (roster/room-count)
                          :running false
                          :interval-id nil}))

(defn update-map []
  (let [{:keys [day interval usage room-count]} @app-state]
    (doseq [b buildings]
      (let [n (get-in usage [day b interval])
            percent (/ n (room-count b))]
        (set! (.-fillOpacity
                (.-style (.getElementById svg (str "bldg_" b)))) percent)
        (set! (.-textContent(.getElementById svg (str "group_" b)))
              (str (int (* 100 (min 1.0 percent))) "%"))

(defn update-atom [evt]
    (swap! app-state assoc :day (.-value (dom/getElement "day"))
           :interval (quot (utils/to-minutes (.-value (dom/getElement "time"))) 15))

(defn display-day-time [day interval]
  (set! (.-innerHTML (dom/getElement "show"))
                     (str day " " (utils/to-am-pm (* 15 interval)))))

(declare advance-time)

(defn play-button [evt]
  (if (@app-state :running)
      (.clearInterval js/window (@app-state :interval-id))
      (swap! app-state assoc :running false :interval-id nil)
      (set! (.-value (dom/getElement "time")) (utils/to-am-pm (* 15 (@app-state :interval))))
      (set! (.-className (dom/getElement "edit")) "visible")
      (set! (.-className (dom/getElement "show")) "hidden")
      (set! (.-src (dom/getElement "play")) "images/play.svg"))
      (swap! app-state assoc :running true :interval-id (.setInterval js/window advance-time 1500))
      (display-day-time (@app-state :day) (@app-state :interval))
      (set! (.-className (dom/getElement "edit")) "hidden")
      (set! (.-className (dom/getElement "show")) "visible")
      (set! (.-src (dom/getElement "play")) "images/pause.svg"))))

(defn advance-time [dom-time-stamp]
  (let [{:keys [day lastUpdate interval]} @app-state
        next-interval (inc interval)]
    (if (>= next-interval 96)
      (play-button nil)
        (swap! app-state assoc :interval next-interval)
        (display-day-time day next-interval)))))

  (events/listen (dom/getElement "time") "change" update-atom)
  (events/listen (dom/getElement "day") "change" update-atom)
  (events/listen (dom/getElement "play") "click" play-button))

(defn on-js-reload []
  ;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
  ;; your application
  ;; (swap! app-state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)

File index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <div id="app">
      <h2>Building Usage</h2>
      <p class="bigLabel">
      <span id="edit" class="visible">
      <select id="day" class="bigLabel">
        <option value="Monday">Monday</option>
        <option value="Tuesday">Tuesday</option>
        <option value="Wednesday">Wednesday</option>
        <option value="Thursday">Thursday</option>
        <option value="Friday">Friday</option>
        <option value="Saturday">Saturday</option>
        <option value="Sunday">Sunday</option>

      <input class="bigLabel" id="time" value="6:00 AM" size="8"/>
      <span id="show" class="hidden">
      <img src="images/play.svg" width="45" height="45" alt="play" id="play"/>
      <object id="campus_map" data="images/campus_map.svg"
        type="image/svg+xml" style="border: 1px solid gray">
        <p>Alas, your browser can not load this SVG file.</p>
    <script src="js/compiled/building_usage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Solution 6-3

File core.cljs

(ns ^:figwheel-always building_usage2.core
    (:require [building_usage2.roster :as roster]
              [building_usage2.utils :as utils]
              [goog.dom :as dom]
              [ :as events]))


(def days ["Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday"
           "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday"])

(def buildings ["A" "B" "C" "D" "FLD" "GYM"
               "M" "N" "P"])

(def building-totals (roster/room-count))

(def usage (roster/building-usage-map))

(defn make-labels [items]
  "Intersperse blank labels between the labels for the hours so that
  the number of labels equals the number of data points."
  (let [result (reduce (fn [acc item] (apply conj acc [item "" "" ""])) [] items)]

(defn create-chart [data]
  (let [ctx (.getContext (dom/getElement "chart") "2d")
        chart (js/Chart. ctx)
        ;; Note: everything needs to be converted to JavaScript
        ;; objects and arrays to make Chartjs happy.
        graph-info #js {:labels (clj->js (make-labels (range 0 24)))
                        :datasets #js [ #js {:label "Usage"
                                       :fillColor "rgb(0, 128, 0)"
                                       :strokeColor "rgb(0, 128, 0)"
                                        :highlightStroke "rgb(255, 0,0)"
                                       :data (clj->js data)}]}

        ;; Override default animation, and set scale
        ;; of y-axis to go from 0-100 in all cases.
        options #js {:animation false
                     :scaleBeginAtZero true
                     :scaleShowGridLines true
                     :scaleGridLineColor "rgba(0,0,0,.05)"
                     :scaleGridLineWidth 1
                     :scaleShowVerticalLines true
                     :scaleOverride true
                     :scaleSteps 10
                     :scaleStepWidth 10
                     :scaleStartValue 0}]
    (.Bar chart graph-info options)))

(defn to-percent [counts building]
  "Convert counts of rooms occupied to a percentage;
  max out at 100%"
  (let [total (get building-totals building)]
    (map (fn [item] (min 100 (* 100 (/ item total)))) counts)))

(defn update-graph [evt]
  (let [day (.-value (dom/getElement "day"))
        building (.-value (dom/getElement "building"))
        data (if (and (not= "" day) (not= "" building))
               (to-percent (get-in usage [day building]) building)
    (if (not (nil? data)) (create-chart data) nil)))

  (events/listen (dom/getElement "day") "change" update-graph)
  (events/listen (dom/getElement "building") "change" update-graph))

(defn on-js-reload []
  ;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
  ;; your application
  ;; (swap! app-state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)

File index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="Chart.min.js"></script>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <div id="app">
      <h2>Building Usage</h2>
      <p class="bigLabel">
        <select id="day" class="bigLabel">
          <option value="">Choose a day</option>
          <option value="Monday">Monday</option>
          <option value="Tuesday">Tuesday</option>
          <option value="Wednesday">Wednesday</option>
          <option value="Thursday">Thursday</option>
          <option value="Friday">Friday</option>
          <option value="Saturday">Saturday</option>
          <option value="Sunday">Sunday</option>

        <select id="building" class="bigLabel">
          <option value="">--</option>
          <option value="A">A</option>
          <option value="B">B</option>
          <option value="C">C</option>
          <option value="D">D</option>
          <option value="FLD">FLD</option>
          <option value="GYM">Gym</option>
          <option value="M">M</option>
          <option value="N">N</option>
          <option value="P">P</option>

      <canvas id="chart" width="600" height="300"></canvas>

      <script src="js/compiled/building_usage2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Solution 7-1

(ns ^:figwheel-always proto.core


(defprotocol SpecialNumber
    (plus [this b])
    (minus [this b])
    (mul [this b])
    (div [this b])
    (canonical [this]))

(defn gcd [mm nn]
  (let [m (js/Math.abs mm)
        n (js/Math.abs nn)]
      (= m n) m
      (> m n) (recur (- m n) n)
      :else (recur m (- n m)))))

(defrecord Rational [num denom]

  (toString [r] (str (:num r) "/" (:denom r)))


  (canonical [r]
    (let [d (if (>= (:denom r) 0) (:denom r) (- (:denom r)))
          n (if (>= (:denom r) 0) (:num r) (- (:num r)))
          g (if (or (zero? n) (zero? d)) 1 (gcd n d))]
      (if-not (= g 0)
        (Rational. (/ n g) (/ d g))

  (plus [this r2]
    (let [{n1 :num d1 :denom} this
          {n2 :num d2 :denom} r2
          n (+ (* n1 d2) (* n2 d1))
          d (* d1 d2)]
      (println n1 d1 n2 d2 n d)
      (if (= d1 d2)
        (canonical (Rational. (+ n1 n2) d1))
        (canonical (Rational. n d)))))

  (minus [r1 r2] (plus r1 (Rational. (- (:num r2)) (:denom r2))))

  (mul [r1 r2] (canonical (Rational. (* (:num r1) (:num r2))
                                     (* (:denom r1) (:denom r2)))))

  (div [r1 r2] (canonical (Rational. (* (:num r1) (:denom r2))
                                     (* (:denom r1) (:num r2))))))

Solution 7-2

(ns ^:figwheel-always proto.core)


(defprotocol SpecialNumber
  (plus [this b])
  (minus [this b])
  (mul [this b])
  (div [this b])
  (canonical [this]))

;; code for duration and rational not duplicated

(defrecord Complex [re im]
    (toString [c]
        (let [{:keys [re im]} c]
            (str (if (zero? re) "" re)
                 (if-not (zero? im)
                     ; note: the order of the conditions here
                     ; is absoutely crucial in order to get the
                     ; leading minus sign
                     (str (cond
                              (< im 0) "-"
                              (zero? re) ""
                              :else "+")
                          (js/Math.abs im) "i")))))

    (canonical [c] c)

    (plus [this other]
        (Complex. (+ (:re this) (:re other)) (+ (:im this) (:im other))))

    (minus [this other]
        (Complex. (- (:re this) (:re other)) (- (:im this) (:im other))))

    (mul [this other]
        ; better living through destructuring
        (let [{a :re b :im} this
              {c :re d :im} other]
          (Complex. (- (* a c) (* b d)) (+ (* b c) (* a d)))))

    (div [this other]
        (let [{a :re b :im} this
              {c :re d :im} other
              denom (+ (* c c) (* d d))]
              denom (+ (* c c) (* d d))]
          (println a b c d denom)
          (Complex. (/ (+ (* a c) (* b d)) denom) (/ (- (* b c) (* a d)) denom)))))

Solution 7-3

(ns ^ :figwheel-always test.test-cases
  (:require-macros [cljs.test :refer [deftest is are]])
  (:require [cljs.test :as t]
            [proto.core :as p]))

(deftest duration1
  (is (= (p/canonical (p/Duration. 3 84)) (p/Duration. 4 24))))

(deftest duration-str
  (are [m1 s1 expected]
    (= (str (p/Duration. m1 s1) expected))
    1 10  "1  10"
    1 9 "1  09"
    1 60 "2  00"
    3 145 "5  25"
    0 0 "0  00"))

(deftest gcd-test
  (are [x y] (= x y)
             (p/gcd 3 5) 1
             (p/gcd 12 14) 2
             (p/gcd 35 55) 5))

(deftest rational-plus
  (are [x y z]
    (let [[a b] x
          [c d] y
          [rn rd] z]
      (= (p/plus (p/Rational. a b) (p/Rational. c d)) (p/Rational. rn rd)))
    [1 2] [1 3] [5 6]
    [2 8] [3 12] [1 2]
    [0 4] [0 5] [0 20]
    [1 0] [1 0] [2 0]))

(deftest rational-minus
  (are [x y z]
    (let [[a b] x
          [c d] y
          [rn rd] z]
      (= (p/minus (p/Rational. a b) (p/Rational. c d)) (p/Rational. rn rd)))
    [6 8] [6 12] [1 4]
    [1 4] [3 4] [-1 2]
    [1 4] [1 4] [0 4]))

(deftest rational-multiply
  (are [x y z]
    (let [[a b] x
          [c d] y
          [rn rd] z]
      (= (p/mul (p/Rational. a b) (p/Rational. c d)) (p/Rational. rn rd)))
    [1 3] [1 4] [1 12]
    [3 4] [4 3] [1 1]))

(deftest rational-divide
  (are [x y z]
    (let [[a b] x
          [c d] y
          [rn rd] z]
      (= (p/div (p/Rational. a b) (p/Rational. c d)) (p/Rational. rn rd)))
    [1 3] [1 4] [4 3]
    [3 4] [4 3] [9 16]))

(deftest complex-str
  (are [r i result]
    (= (str (p/Complex. r i)) result)
  3 7 "3+7i"
  3 -7 "3-7i"
  -3 7 "-3+7i"
  -3 -7 "-3-7i"
  0 7 "7i"
  3 0 "3"))

(deftest complex-math
  (are [r1 i1 f r2 i2 r3 i3]
    (= (f (p/Complex. r1 i1) (p/Complex. r2 i2)) (p/Complex. r3 i3))
     1 2  p/plus  3 4  4 6
     1 -2  p/plus  -3 4 -2 2
     1 2  p/minus  3 4  -2 -2
     1 2  p/mul  3 4  -5 10
     0 2  p/mul  3 -4  8 6
     3 4  p/div  1 2  2.2 -0.4
     1 -2  p/div  3 -4  0.44 -0.08))

Sample core.async Program 1

(ns ^:figwheel-always async1.core
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])
    (:require [cljs.core.async
               :refer  [<! >! timeout alts! chan close!]]))


(defn on-js-reload [])

(def annie (chan))
(def brian (chan))

(defn annie-send []
  (go (loop [n 5]
           (println "Annie:" n "-> Brian")
           (>! brian n)
           (if (pos? n) (recur (dec n)) nil))))

(defn annie-send []
  (go (loop [n 5]
           (println "Annie:" n "-> Brian")
           (>! brian n)
           (when (pos? n) (recur (dec n))))))

(defn annie-receive []
  (go-loop []
           (let [reply (<! brian)]
             (println "Annie:" reply "<- Brian")
             (if (pos? reply)
               (close! annie)))))

(defn brian-send []
  (go-loop [n 5]
           (println "Brian:" n "-> Annie")
           (>! annie n)
           (when (pos? n) (recur (dec n)))))

(defn brian-receive []
  (go-loop []
           (let [reply (<! annie)]
             (println "Brian:" reply "<- Annie")
             (if (pos? reply)
               (close! brian)))))

(defn async-test []
    (println "Starting...")

Sample core.async Program 2

(ns ^:figwheel-always async2.core
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])
    (:require [cljs.core.async :as a
               :refer  [<! >! timeout alts! chan close!]]))


(defn on-js-reload [])

(defn decrement! [[from-str from-chan] [to-str to-chan] & [start-value]]
  (go-loop [n (or start-value (dec (<! from-chan)))]
           (println from-str ":" n "->" to-str)
           (>! to-chan n)
           (when-let [reply (<! from-chan)]
             (println from-str ":" reply "<-" to-str)
             (if (pos? reply)
               (recur (dec reply))
                 (close! from-chan)
                 (close! to-chan)
                 (println "Finished"))))))

(defn async-test []
  (let [annie (chan)
        brian (chan)]
    (decrement! ["Annie" annie] ["Brian" brian] 8)
    (decrement! ["Brian" brian] ["Annie" annie])))

Solution 8-1

This solution is split into two files: core.cljs and utils.cljs

File core.cljs

(ns ^:figwheel-always cardgame.core
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])
  (:require [cljs.core.async
             :refer  [<! >! timeout alts! chan close! put!]]
            [cardgame.utils :as utils]))


(def max-rounds 50) ;; max # of rounds per game

;; create a channel for each player and the dealers

(def player1 (chan))
(def player2 (chan))
(def dealer (chan))

(defn on-js-reload [])

;; I have added a player-name for debug output;
;; it's not needed for the program to work.

(defn player-process
  "Arguments are channel, channel name, and initial
  set of cards. Players either give the dealer cards
  or receive cards from her. They send their player
  number back to the dealer so that she can distinguish
  the inputs. The :show command is for debugging;
  the :card-count is for stopping a game after a
  given number of rounds, and the :quit command finishes the loop."
  [player player-name init-cards]
    (println "Starting"  player-name "with" init-cards)
    (go (loop [my-cards init-cards]
             (let [[message args] (<! player)]
               (condp = message
                 :give (do
                         (println player-name
                                  "has" my-cards
                                  "sending dealer" (take args my-cards))
                         (>! dealer [player-name (take args my-cards)])
                         (recur (vec (drop args my-cards))))
                 :receive (do
                            (println player-name "receives" args "add to" my-cards)
                            (>! dealer "Received cards")
                            (recur (apply conj my-cards args)))
                 :show (do (println my-cards) (recur my-cards))
                 :card-count (do
                               (>! dealer [player-name (count my-cards)])
                               (recur my-cards))
                 :quit nil))))))

(defn determine-game-winner
  "If either of the players is out of cards, the other player wins."
  [card1 card2]
    (empty? card1) "Player 1"
    (empty? card2) "Player 2"
    :else nil))

(defn make-new-pile
  "Convenience function to join the current pile
  plus the players' cards into a new pile."
  [pile card1 card2]
  (apply conj (apply conj pile card1) card2))

(defn put-all!
  "Convenience function to send same message to
  all players. The (doall) is necessary to force
  (doall (map (fn [p] (put! p info)) [player1 player2])))

(defn arrange
  "Since we can't guarantee which order the cards come in,
  we arrange the dealer's messages so that player 1's card(s)
  always precede player 2's card(s)"
  [[pa ca] [pb cb]]
  (if (= pa "Player 1") [ca cb] [cb ca]))

(defn do-battle
  "Returns a vector giving the winner (if any) and the
  new pile of cards, given the current pile, the players' cards,
  and the number of rounds played.
  If someone's card is empty, the other person is the winner.
  If the number of rounds is at the maximum, the person with
     the smaller number of cards wins.
  If one player has a higher card, the other player has
  to take all the cards (returning an empty pile); if they
  match, the result is the pile plus the cards"
  [pile card1 card2 n-rounds]
  (let [c1 (utils/value (last card1))
        c2 (utils/value (last card2))
        game-winner (determine-game-winner card1 card2)
        new-pile (make-new-pile pile card1 card2)]
    (println (utils/text (last card1)) "vs." (utils/text (last card2)))
    (when-not game-winner
        (> c1 c2) (put! player2 [:receive new-pile])
        (< c1 c2) (put! player1 [:receive new-pile])))
      [game-winner (if (= c1 c2) new-pile (vector))]))

(defn play-game
  "The game starts by dividing the shuffled deck and
  gives each player half.
  Pre-battle state: ask each player to give a card
    (or 3 cards if the pile isn't empty)
  Battle state: wait for each player to send cards and evalute.
  Post-battle: wait for person who lost hand (if not a tie)
    to receive cards
  Long-game: Too many rounds. Winner is person with most cards"
  (let [deck (utils/short-deck)
        half (/ (count deck) 2)]
    (player-process player1 "Player 1" (vec (take half deck)))
    (player-process player2 "Player 2" (vec (drop half deck)))
    (go (loop [pile []
               state :pre-battle
               n-rounds 1]
             (condp = state
               :pre-battle (do
                             (println "** Starting round" n-rounds)
                             (put-all! [:give (if (empty? pile) 1 3)])
                             (recur pile :battle n-rounds))

               :battle (let [d1 (<! dealer) ;; block until
                             d2 (<! dealer) ;; both players send cards
                             [card1 card2] (arrange d1 d2)
                             [game-winner new-pile] (do-battle pile card1 card2 n-rounds)]
                         (<! (timeout 300))
                         (if-not game-winner
                           (recur new-pile :post-battle n-rounds)
                             (put-all! [:quit nil])
                             (println "Winner:" game-winner))))

               :post-battle (do
                              ;; wait until player picks up cards
                              (when (empty? pile) (<! dealer))
                              (if (< n-rounds max-rounds)
                                (recur pile :pre-battle (inc n-rounds))
                                  (put-all! [:card-count nil])
                                  (recur pile :long-game 0))))
               :long-game (let [[pa na] (<! dealer)
                                [pb nb] (<! dealer)]
                            (put-all! [:quit nil])
                            (println pa "has" na "cards.")
                            (println pb "has" nb "cards.")
                            (println "Winner:" (cond
                                                 (< na nb) pa
                                                 (> na nb) pb
                                                 :else "tied"))))))))

File utils.cljs

(ns ^:figwheel-always cardgame.utils

(def suits ["clubs" "diamonds" "hearts" "spades"])
(def names ["Ace" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10"
            "Jack" "Queen" "King"])

;; If there was no card at all (nil)
;; return nil, otherwise aces are high.
(defn value [card]
  (let [v (when-not (nil? card) (mod card 13))]
    (if (= v 0) 13 v)))

(defn text [card]
  (let [suit (quot card 13)
        base (mod card 13)]
    (if (nil? card)
      (str (get names base) " of " (get suits suit)))))

(defn full-deck []
  (shuffle (range 0 52)))

;; give a short deck of Ace to 4 in clubs and diamonds only
;; for testing purposes

(defn short-deck []
  (shuffle (list 0 1 2 3 4 5 13 14 15 16 17 18)))