Here is the HTML that produces the clocks on the previous page. (The lines are numbered for reference in the explanation below.)
1 <applet codebase="ClocksApplet" code="ClocksApplet.class" 2 width="400" height="140"> 3 <param name="cities" value="Tokyo;San Jose;Toronto;London" /> 4 <param name="offsets" value="900;480;300;0" /> 5 Sorry, you don't have Java enabled. You won't be able to see the clocks. 6 </applet>
Lines 1 and 2 tell where to find the applet and how much room to allocate on the screen. Each clock face is 81 pixels by 81 pixels
The next line sets up the list of cities. The city names must be separated by semicolons rather than commas. That lets you do a city list like this:
<param name="cities" value="Springfield, Missouri;Springfield,Illinois" />
Please do not put spaces after the semicolons or they will become part of the city name.
The third line tells how many minutes you must add to the local time of each city to get to Greenwich Mean Time. This is in minutes because, believe it or not, some cities are in a half-hour offset timezone! These offsets, again, are separated by semicolons with no blanks.
The fifth line shows up if your browser doesn't have Java enabled.
Line six is the ending </applet> tag.