CIS 97YT Index > Midterm Project 1

Midterm Project 1
Create Your Own Language

For this project, you are to:

The markup language should be realistic; the following is unacceptably trivial:

Description of the language:

A <document> contains text.

Sample document:

    Hi. My name is Moishe Pipik. What's yours?

On the other hand, you should not bite off more than you can chew. Examples of something that might be too complicated would be markup languages for:

No address books, please! Here are some suggestions for you:

The language you design should be on the same order of complexity as the catalog or club database languages that have been used in the exercises and the lecture notes.

Your markup language grammar must use at least:

You are not required to use namespaces or the <group> element, but you may if you wish.

Please send three files:

Thus, someone named Moishe Pipik would send files pipik_m_mid.rtf, pipik_m_mid.rng, and pipik_m_mid.xml.