Marco's fur is darkening slightly, it has a nice orange-brown cast to it. His mask hasn't darkened very much. Marco still spends quite a bit of his time hanging out in the enclosure, and seems to enjoy it very much. He does spend some time inside, as you can see from the first picture below, where he's enjoying a sunny spot inside. Now that he’s outside, he gets visitors. One is a black cat, probably feral; at least it runs away every time I approach. I haven't been able to get a picture of it. I'm not sure how well they get along. The other cat (which I have seen only once) is a tabby; it has a collar, and is obviously owned by someone, and they seemed to get along quite well.
Marco’s enclosure is finished, and he is loving it. I also bought him a “cat tree” where he spends a lot of time sleeping. For the first few days, he spent the entire night outside; he has finally gotten over the novelty and is joining me during the night for a time.
Happy birthday, Marco! I got Marco on 6 June 2002, and the vet said he was two months old at the time, so I figure his birthday as 6 April 2002. That means he’s a year old, and he’s graduated from kitten food to cat food.
My housemate Jeffery and I are building an enclosure for Marco so that he can go outdoors. We hope to have it finished in a week or two.
Sorry it’s been so long since an update. Marco has settled down to a routine, much of which involves tearing around the living room and wanting me to play with him a lot. He also is fascinated by the kitchen table, which is off limits for him.
I got the first three pictures below while Marco was sunning himself on the windowsill. He’s half hidden by the curtain in the first two pictures. The third one is his reflection in the window glass.
Happy New Year from Marco & me.
I am (once again) considering a companion for Marco. I also bought a new camera; a Minolta DImage 7i, and it has great resolution. The first picture below is a bit out of focus; the second picture came out just great.
Mostly pictures today. Marco has developed two odd habits:
His favorite toy is now the Cat Dancer; he loves chasing it around and leaping for it.
I let Marco out in the back yard for about fifteen minutes for a supervised stroll; he nosed around a bit and then ate some grass.