CIS 97YT Index > Class Scores XML Files > Documentation


Documentation | XML data | RNG | Transform to email | Transform to Scores table

The root element of a gradebook is the <gradebook> element, which contains a <task-list> followed by one or more <student> elements.

A <task-list> consists of zero or more <task> elements, each of which contains text describing the task, and the following attributes:

Each <student> has a unique id attribute in the form Snnn-nn-nnnn, and sub-elements <last> (last name), <first> (first name), <email> (email address), and <info> (miscellaneous extra information). These elements all contain text. They are followed by one or more <result> elements.

The <result> element has a ref attribute whose value is a reference to the id attribute of one of the preceding <task> elements. Each <result> also has a score attribute, which may be a string or a positive integer. The content of this element is text that gives comments about the result; (i.e., why points were deducted, or congratulations on a job well done.)